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Anne-Sophie Bories

I am interested in poetry, specifically in versification. the study of which offers a remarkable insight into poetic texts, and opens up a path towards interpretation.

After being a visiting researcher at University of California, Berkeley, (2007-2009), and at University of Leeds (UK) (2009-2012), I recieved my PhD in 2013 from Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle with highest honours, for a dissertation titled « Raymond Queneau’s Versification ; a Statistical Approach Using a Database ». A monography extracted from this dissertation, Des Chiffres et des mètres, was published by Éditions Honoré Champion.

I joined the French studies department in Basel in 2016.

In 2017, I founded the group « Plotting Poetry - Machiner la poésie », following an initial conference organised in Basel. Gathered around a shared interest into a mechanically-enhanced reading of poetic texts, we organise a yearly international conference : Berlin in 2018, Nancy in 2019, Prague in 2020.

I am an associate member of ATILF, and a member of the steering committees of Plotting Poetry and ADHO’s SIG-DLS.

I am now leading the project Mining the Comic Verse at the University of Basel, thanks to a SNSF-PRIMA Grant.
